Computer1314 上門電腦維修服務,即叫即到,提供資料回復,組裝新機,更新電腦系統及清除病毒及木馬程式等服務,技術員遍佈全香港,九龍,新界,任何時間,地點設有緊急上門電腦維修服務,$100 檢查費 ,不限時, 7天內相同問題,免費上門跟進。
手機電腦互聯網 / 電腦及儲存設備ComputerLife上門電腦維修

服務包括: 車箱的皮革及硬膠部件修復,如汽車皮革座位的花痕及穿孔。 遊艇的人造皮革梳化的修復、汽車皮椅翻新、梳化深層清潔。 酒店、住宅的皮革製品修復。

We strive to provide one-stop services to customers including car searching, retailing, valuation, consignment, car insurance, financing, inspection, repair and maintenance, etc.

BonTakeng is the strongest 24-hour air conditioning and electricity maintenance company in Hong Kong. If you have any problem of air conditioner or electricity, please feel free to contact us.

馬鞍山中心5分鐘達港鐵,中層園景3房開陽,裝修中9月初交吉,客廳向南,平租$15,500全包求長期客,靚靚廚房(煙囱式抽油煙機,包雪櫃洗衣機),改淋浴間。請電91637652 **地產免問** Ma On Shan Center 3 bedrooms with garden view at midlevel $15,500 all-in renovate ready in September.

The workshop also offers a full range of repair and service facilities from regular day to day maintenance, up to a range of fast road conversion.

provide one stop motor services to customers including new and used car retailing; car insurance; motor financing, auspicious car plate number; repair & maintenance services; supply of car parts
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